Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh, Mizzou.

Since everyone is feeling a bit nostalgic, I thought I would share with everyone a picture taken on the day I moved in. It's okay, you can laugh at my blonde hair. :)


Let's see...This past week I spent a LOT of time designing a brochure for a job I applied for. I designed two and was debating on which one to send. They ended up allowing me to send both, which I was really happy with. Both designs were completely different, showing them, in my opinion my versatility as a designer. Crossing my fingers, folks!

I also spent a lot of time this week designing spec-ads for Inside Columbia. They were a challenge, but I'll get to it more in my reaction. I worked on 3. One for a salon, one for a title company and one for mc sports. Here is the salon one, which I was most happy with (and it came the easiest if you didn't guess that already.)


My website took a back seat to the above projects as well as my diligent effort to finish my online class, ONE TEST LEFT! Yay! It will be my focus as well as my mini portfolio in the next week. After looking at everyone's websites I always get really excited about working on it..I can't wait until I can send everyone the link to my completely finished, flawless website. COMING SOON! I will also be designing a graduation announcement for myself!

And finally, I will be working on some more Vox things. I will be finishing up my tecktonik illustration from a few weeks is now going to run in the 5/14 issue as well as figure out some type of multimedia for that. I also will be doing my second feature for the magazine, a photo essay about working word on that yet, however..i am awaiting photos.

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