Over the last few weeks in editing we had some guest speakers come in to 1) help us learn how to get in the industry and 2) other publications to think about working for. To address the second point first, I had never really thought about alternative weekly's. Even though thats what Vox is for the most part, I didn't really realize I suppose that other cities had those. I was excited to hear about the editorial flexibility they have and therefore hopefully, art flexibility. I've also decided after some thought that working at a smaller more flexible publication will be more for me. The thought of sitting behind a computer and being constrained to a template every week would drive me crazy. I also know that designers have to pay their dues but at a smaller publication the chance of moving up faster is certainly more likely.
To address the other point, a J-school professor at MU, Amanda Hinnant, spoke to us about her experiences at Glamour and Real Simple. Her tips were helpful as far as what is expected when we enter the professional working world. I think we are often quite catered to as far as--well I was sick so I didn't come to class--or I was so stressed I didn't do my best on the project--and her lecture helped me to realize those days are over. I also learned that while our portfolio's are REALLY important, networking is the most important and getting yourself noticed. I think for me that will be the hardest as I tend to be a bit shy around strangers. Time to man up! (That's sexist, I know-sorry!, but I can't think of any other way to put it!)
Hallmark - Which one is the funniest?
15 years ago
Amanda's lecture was definitely helpful, especially since she has worked places that I am interested in. And it was interesting to hear just how cut throat the industry actually is. I'm with you on the networking stuff though. I'm shy around strangers and am always worried about over stepping my boundaries. My new technique with networking is to talk to EVERYONE that I know with a job (even those without design/journalism jobs) and ask them to pass my resume around. I haven't heard back from anyone yet, so maybe that's not working... but patience is a virtue, right?