There is a new blog I learned about from the blog I follow It's being headed by Steve Hall of AdRants. He is looking to have a blog with all of those great ideas that have been axed. I think it's a great tool for us to look for inspiration. We also can submit our axed ideas! It is also a MAJOR encouragement to keep that stuff that maybe isn't quite there yet in some type of binder to go back to. A great idea is a great idea, even if it doesn't work in a certain situation. It seemed with the logo assignment there was a lot of negativity (myself included), so keep your chin up designers, as they would say in grade school, there are no bad ideas! (Even though there are, haha, but, you get what I'm saying!) There is an application on the site. There is a focus on the site more so for advertising ideas..but it's also worth a shot. The deadline is March 31st at midnight & submissions can all be made online. The website is
I love how well your recent shoot came out. Nice work--the geometry and color scheme work really well together. I have a post about this website too! It's a great idea, yeah?